Author Archives: iowaview

Come Celebrate ISU Earth Observation Day 2024 with us!

Now is the time to register for a hands-on, engaging, geospatial workshop for K-12 Teachers

Register Now!

A Quick Look into Two Worlds: Video Games and GIS

Image Source: Created by Prof. Kristen S. Kurland of Carnegie Mellon University from the article “Gamification in GIS and AEC” by Chris Andrews,

Happy Thanksgiving! Two maps showing the hubs of dinner staples

Day 5 GAW: Have you discovered the Iowa Geographic Map Server?

  • elevation maps (LiDAR and USGS topographic maps),
  • historical maps (General Land Office survey maps from 1800s, Andreas Atlas, historic topography),
  • land cover maps (historical and contemporary)
  • geology (landforms and bedrock)

Day 2 – GAW 2023: Contribute to OPENSTREETMAP and MapRoulette

OpenStreetMap (OSM) is a publicly created and maintained map of the world – the Wikipedia for maps. Anyone with access to an internet browser can view the map and can sign up for a free OpenStreetMap account to edit and update the map. Edits to the map are reviewed and validated by other members of the community. If you are new to OpenStreetMap, visit their welcome page to a short introduction:

Here are several ways to get engaged with OpenStreetMap:

~ Review your local OSM basemap for accuracy and consider adding community features that are missing or need updating.

~ Spend time working on a Humanitarian OpenStreetMap project. For a current list of priority project visit:

~ Only have a little bit of time? Consider MapRoulette, the game of mini mapping challenges, it breaks OSM work into snack-sized “challenges.” Earn points by fixing validation issues, turning nodes into areas, adding missing tags, and through countless other little tasks that contribute to a healthier map.