Annually, the United Nations celebrates March 22nd as World Water Day. World Water Day celebrates water and raises awareness of the 2.2 billion people living without access to safe water. The day is about taking action to tackle the global water crisis, and remembering what a vital role water plays for all of humanity. This year, the theme of World Water Day is “SAVE OUR GLACIERS,” with a focus on glacier preservation. Therefore, no matter where we live, glaciers are critical to our water future.
“I don’t live near a glacier. Why should I care about glaciers?”
Glacier Facts: 70% of the Earth’s fresh water exists as snow or ice. Around 10% of the Earth’s land area is covered by glaciers or ice sheets.
Glaciers are part of the “cryosphere” which impacts every living being on the planet. The word “cryosphere” originates from the Greek word ‘kryos’ for frost or ice cold. The cryosphere extends across the globe and can appear seasonally (like snow in Iowa) or be permanently present in most parts of the world. The snow, glacier, permafrost, and frozen ground are significant storage and sources of freshwater, sustaining ecosystems and supporting livelihoods in and far beyond the regions where these are located. While you watch the video below you will learn about the cryosphere and how it’s changing.
Undeniably, all living beings depend directly or indirectly on the cryosphere. For example, as all major rivers originate from mountains, the mountain cryosphere plays an important role in providing and regulating freshwater resources for around half of the world’s population. Furthermore, alterations and loss of critical snow and ice are increasing the risk of other hazards.
The state of cryosphere is also a useful indicator for climate variability and change. Therefore, improved monitoring is critical to understand Earth’s weather, climate, and water cycles. The cryosphere, its changes, and its impacts have received increased attention in recent years, creating a demand for authoritative information on the state of the world’s snow and ice resources.
As shown above in the video, glaciers are extremely important to help regulate the earth’s temperature. Glaciers, snow, and ice reflect much of the sun’s radiation into space (keeping those areas cooler), unlike the bare ground or open ocean water, which absorb the radiation (making them warmer). Glaciers also store freshwater and are an essential part of the water cycle.
Scientists have been using satellite imagery to track the deforestation of the Amazon rainforest for several decades. The clearing of the rainforest has changed over time, both in its pace and its location. For two decades, beginning in the 1990s, agriculture, forestry, and mining development proceeded rapidly. Satellite-based forest monitoring has enabled successful enforcement of forestry management practices, where such practices are applied. The Landsat image pair on the front of the Earth Observation Day poster shows the change in land use that occurred between 2001 and 2019, when palm oil plantations replaced rainforest in Peru. Illegal forest clearing is constantly adapting to new monitoring practices, and is still occurring across the region. Satellite imagery helps scientists and governments to monitor shifts in deforestation and develop new deterrence strategies.
Image 1: What’s going on in these pictures? Images from the lesson plan
This is a great lesson for teaching students how satellite images can show the impact deforestation can have on a community. The lesson is broken into two sessions. The first session is focused on engaging students with satellite imagery. The first exercise asks students to look at two images and explain what is going on (see Image 1). The images are showing the landscape change associated with rainforest deforestation. Next students get to use the Landsat App, an online browser based tool (seen in Image 2), to complete a lab exercise to notice change in the Amazon rainforest of Brazil in Ariquemas over a forty-year period. Finally, to end the first session, students will use their new knowledge about satellite imagery to put a series of images in order on a timeline.
In the second session, students read an article about Amazon deforestation. Reading the article brings further meaning to the lab and image analysis that the students did in session one. Next, students have an opportunity to explore careers related to forestry and environmental planning. To wrap up the lesson, students take a quiz about Amazon deforestation related to the previous activities. This powerful lesson illustrates the importance of having access to the US Landsat satellite imagery program, a free, expansive (over 50 years), historical and ongoing record that helps scientists and government officials monitor deforestation and help guide policymaking to preserve natural resources.
Ready, set, go! As promised in our previous post we are going to do an overview of the recently published AmericaView lesson plans. The first lesson from the 2024 Earth Observation Day lesson series is, “Exploring the Electromagnetic Spectrum (EMS).” This lesson is intended to be an introductory lesson to help give students a basic understanding of the electromagnetic spectrum, energy waves, and remote sensing. Students will gain background knowledge and learn vocabulary from this lesson to help them as they move through other lessons that are focused on specific disciplines. The lesson is broken into two sessions.
The first session has 4 activities. First, an introductory video explaining electromagnetic radiation, electromagnetic waves, and visible light. Second, a reading activity called “Anatomy of an Electromagnetic Wave” to reinforce concepts from the video. Third student examine two diagrams, one displaying energy waves across the EMS and a second diagram showing a timeline and introduction to the US Landsat Mission which has been tasked with collecting earth data across the EMS since 1972. The final activity is a physical activity using a jump rope to further demonstrate concepts of energy waves (frequency, wavelength, energy).
The second session’s activities include a warm-up that is examining a satellite image to identify various features. Next there are two readings, “Wave behaviors,” which explores different vocabulary related to EMS waves, and “Visualization: from Energy to Image,” which explains how invisible EMS waves are converted into different forms of imagery. Next, students get to apply knowledge in “Exploring Remote Sensing Activity.” They will get to explore how different surfaces emit different light energy. Students will also get a chance to explore remote sensing using Google Earth. Finally, to wrap up this lesson, students will wrap up this session with a quiz style game or a printable quiz.
Did you know that in 2024 members the AmericaView Education and Outreach Team put together a series of lessons explaining how remote sensing and Earth observation technologies are integral to various sectors within society? These lessons are great! They are geared for middle and high school but can be adapted for your classroom. All six lessons follow a similar pattern: introduction, standards, warm-up (What’s going on in this picture?), a reading exercise, an online map exploration, a career exploration related to the topic, a quiz/assessment, and an online/printable game.
Over the next few months, we will be taking time on the blog to dig into these lessons. We hope you enjoy unpacking these lessons and learn more about earth observation and remote sensing. If you have any questions or suggestions for new lessons, feel free to email IowaView Coordinator, Amy Logan or leave a comment.
Earlier this year, IowaView Staff member, Amy Logan, created a new piece of art for IowaView’s Iowa as Art Collection. The piece is called Cautionary Waters. It is based off an IowaView blog post, Change Over Time – Flooding on the Landscape (NW Iowa), a series of IowaShots images that were released in 2022. This piece revisits those images and includes new Landsat images from the 2023 drought and 2024 flood.
Cautionary Waters: Visons of the Past, Planning for the Future
How are we planning for the future in our communities? Cautionary Waters is a piece of artwork that asks us to think about this question.
The piece includes four Landsat satellite images of the same area of Northwest Iowa taken in 1990 (a normal year, upper left), 1993 (a year of memorable flooding in the Midwest, upper right), 2023 (a year of drought, lower left), and 2024 (another year of memorable flooding, lower right). White areas in these images are water. These two flood events were roughly 30 years apart.
The piece asks viewers to reflect: when we are planning, do we consider only typical conditions, or does our planning account for extremes, flood or drought as well? Are we willing to allow development in the floodplain and take the loss when the flood comes, or perhaps make a harder choice to not develop there and lose out in the short-term? Also, in cases when we choose to develop in lower elevation areas, what kinds of zoning and development are we allowing in these areas?
The piece is currently on display as part of the “Do Justice” art exhibit at Harvest Vineyard Church, in Ames, Iowa, which runs through the end of January 2025. After that the piece is available for loan on a first come, first serve basis. If interested in displaying the piece or other Iowa as Art pieces, please contact, Amy Logan, IowaView State Coordinator for additional details.
On Wednesday, November 20, we had a great GIS Day celebration atThe Catalyst in Parks Library. Thank you to library digital scholarship staff for hosting us and providing their expertise.
We had five speakers sharing on different topics:
CollectionBuilder for Historical GIS: an update on the ISU Historical Buildings Project – Erin Ridnour, Digital Scholarship Librarian, University Library
Tillage Detectives: Determining Residue Cover via Satellite – Bryce Pape, Graduate Student and Brian Gelder, DEP and GISF Co-Lead
Library Instruction with ArcGIS StoryMaps – Michael Cummings and Erin Ridnour, Digital Scholarship Librarians
Using Past Slope Failures to Prepare for the Future: A Case Study across the State of North Dakota – Beena Ajmera, Assistant Professor, Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering
Geospatial Modeling for Regional Trail Planning – Austin Dunn, Assistant Professor, Department of Landscape Architecture
The ISU GIS Facility is hosting our second annual Mapping Masterminds Map Competition. It is open to everyone, everywhere. There are two categories for submissions: 1) Maps and 2) StoryMaps. There are cash gift cards for top prizes. Entries are due Sunday, November 17, 2024. Here is the link to the official website for more details and to submit your map:
Earth Observation Day 2024 is finally here as it the release of the AmericaView 2024 Earth Observation Day Poster! The poster is following the theme of this year’s Earth Science Week theme, “Earth Science Everywhere”. The front of the AmericaView 2024 Earth Observation Day poster features 6 image themes: agriculture, disaster, forestry, urban land use, water, and wildlife. The back of the poster explains the significance of the images and provides links to 6 themed lesson plans. IowaView was responsible for the disaster management lesson plan.
The ISU GIS Facility will be hosting the 3rd annual geospatial summer workshop for K-12 teachers and pre-service teachers in Ames, Iowa on July 17 – 18, 2024. This workshop will show many geospatial tools and applications from the Esri ecosystem as well as Google Earth, OpenStreetMap, AmericaView, and others. Teachers will get to see a variety of map tools and exercises that they can bring into current lessons. We will explore resources available at local, state, and national levels. Each participant will make a StoryMap to use in their classroom. Teachers can sign up for graduate or continuing education credit. Please email Amy Logan with any questions.