IowaView Phenocam – Grand Tetons, WY
A phenocam is a digital camera that takes pictures at set intervals as a way to track the change in vegetation and climatic conditions throughout the year at a given location. The phenocam provides fixed scene, time-lapse images over the course of a year, which can then be analyzed for a variety of scientific uses, including seasonal changes such as spring “green-up” or fall “leaf-off.”

Team members installing the IowaView Phenocam in Wyoming
IowaView has partnered with Dr. Diane Debinski and the Debinski Lab (Iowa State University – Ecology, Evolution, and Organismal Biology) to install two phenocams at their research areas in Iowa – Grand River Grassland and Wyoming – Grand Teton. The IowaView phenocams are part of a larger phenocam network across the USA and world.

Locations of Phenocams Sites

Picture taken by IowaView Phenocam – Grand Tetons in Wyoming

Picture taken by IowaView Phenocam – Grand River Grasslands in Iowa
In the coming weeks, we will provides links for educational opportunities that provide instructions on using the phenocam data in the classroom.
Thanks to the Debinski Lab for their work getting our phenocams running! Great work!

Phenocam Installation Crew in Iowa