Category Archives: Remote Sensing

Dear Teachers: Part 3 – A Lesson about Forestry

Image 1: What’s going on in these pictures?
Images from the lesson plan
Image 2: This is an image of the Landsat App:

To download the lesson:

To view the 2024 EOD poster and other lesson plans:

View related posts:
Part 2:
Part 1:

Dear Teachers – Part 2: Exploring the Electromagnetic Spectrum

Dear Teachers 2025 – A Review of AV Teaching Resources

The backside of the 2024 Earth Observation Day Poster.  It has 6 areas, Agriculture, Disaster, Forestry, Urban Use, Water, and Wildlife, explaining how remote sensing and Earth observation technologies are integral to these sectors within society.

A New Iowa as Art Piece – Cautionary Waters

Cautionary Waters: Visons of the Past, Planning for the Future

Happy Earth Observation Day 2024!

Come Celebrate ISU Earth Observation Day 2024 with us!

Day 5 GAW: Have you discovered the Iowa Geographic Map Server?

  • elevation maps (LiDAR and USGS topographic maps),
  • historical maps (General Land Office survey maps from 1800s, Andreas Atlas, historic topography),
  • land cover maps (historical and contemporary)
  • geology (landforms and bedrock)

Timelapse Tuesday – 37 years of Urban Growth in Ames, Iowa

This week we are exploring urban growth in Ames, Iowa. The red areas are showing areas of vegetation that are primarily agricultural in the larger areas, the neon green areas are short grass and trees, the gray color is urban areas, and blue areas are water.

Timelaspse Video of Ames, Iowa 1984 to 2021 – Summer Landsat Images

As you watch the time lapse video notice several things:

  1. The expansion of Ada Hayden (the large lake in the center right of the image.)
  2. How the agricultural land in the center of the images fills in rapidly with development between 2008 to 2021
  3. The increase in permanent water retention ponds in as the city develops.
  4. Many of the red agricultural parcels along Ioway Creek (the left river) become smaller and more developed through the time series.

Compare an image of north Ames, Iowa from 1987 to 2021 – what other urban growth changes can you spot?

Photos from ISU GIS Day 2022

Celebrating 30 years of GIS at ISU today on GIS Day! We also celebrated the 50th anniversary of Landsat and were able to hand out playing cards, refreshments, posters, and other educational materials. This was a great opportunity for our staff in the GIS facility to share the work that they are doing, and teach others about GIS.