February was Black History Month and March is Iowa History Month (as well as Women’s History Month).
Points of Interest – Finding Dubuque ArcGIS Story Map
Image from Story Map
We are highlighting a map that celebrates Black Iowans in Dubuque, Iowa. Last fall, the City of Dubuque produced an ArcGIS Story Map called Finding Dubuque: Uncovering Dubuque’s Black Heritage. This Story Map shares stories of some of Dubuque’s early black residents and their contributions to the community as well as those of today. The Story Map also includes challenging parts of Dubuque’s past including redlining of insurance maps, real estate covenants restricting the tenure of black residents to certain land parcels and stories of the Ku Klux Klan in Dubuque.
Take time to learn more about the history of Black Iowans in Dubuque.
March is Women’s history month. Below are a few resources to begin exploring the contribution of women in GIS and related fields (cartography, remote sensing.)
GIS Lounge has a Women in GIS Networking Groups page which highlights a number of groups that provide peer support for women in GIS: https://www.gislounge.com/women-in-gis/.
Another webinar and storymap to view from the 2020 ESRI User Conference, “Women in GIS/ The New Analyst” which feature seven women in GIS who discuss their career paths, obstacles they’ve overcome, and the transformative role of GIS. Here’s the link for the webinar: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s9K3ZDT7KOk