Tag Archives: Earth Science

Dear Teachers: Part 4 – Identify Local Natural Hazards to Prevent Powerful Disasters

Image 1: What’s going on in this picture? An Image from the lesson plan
Image 2: A screenshot from the NASA Earth Observatory Page
Image 3: The user interface of the FEMA National Risk Index Tool

To download the lesson: https://ckan.americaview.org/data/AmericaView/EOD/2024_eod_disaster.pdf

To view the 2024 EOD poster and other lesson plans: https://ckan.americaview.org/dataset/2024-earth-observation-day-poster

View related posts:
Part 3: https://www.iowaview.org/dear-teachers-part-3-a-lesson-about-forestry/
Part 2: https://www.iowaview.org/dear-teachers-part-2-exploring-the-electromagnetic-spectrum/
Part 1: https://www.iowaview.org/dear-teachers-2025-a-review-of-av-teaching-resources/

Image 4: An example question from the online game used to help recall information from the reading and other learning activities

Happy Earth Day 2022: Enjoy NASA’s Pathways to New Discoveries

This year NASA’s Earth Day poster is features a series of QR codes which provide an array of information on a number of their missions, programs, and activities. We have provided a key below explaining each of the numbered QR codes along with the link to each code (click on the name to follow the link.)

  1. Artemis
  2. Landsat 9
  3. Climate Time Machine
  4. Climate Quizzes
  5. Images of Change
  6. Eyes on Earth
  7. Benefits from Space
  8. Rising Tides
  9. Snack Time with NASA
  10. Benefits on Earth
  11. GLOBE Observer
  12. NASA Earth Day
  13. Earth from Afar
  14. Earth Science
  15. Live views from Space
  16. NASA Aeronautics
  17. 2022 Earth Day Poster

OhioView presents Remote Sensing on a Shoestring

Are you interested in learning more about remote sensing but have a limited budget? This February, OhioView will be presenting , “Remote sensing on a shoestring,” and will guide you through how to begin using freely available software and data to perform remote sensing analysis.

Topics for each of the workshops (and their skill level) are as follows:

February 5, 2021, 9am – 1pm (EST):

  • Earth Science Missions Imagery using Google Earth Pro (beginner level)
  • Normalized Difference Calculations with Sentinel-2 using Multispec (intermediate level)
  • Land cover classification of Sentinel-2 images using QGIS (beginner level)

Use this link to register for the February 5 workshop: https://forms.gle/Z269biTar4vU23DU7  The last day for registration for the February 5 workshop will be January 28, 2021.

February 26, 2021, 9am – 1pm (EST):

  • Classification Using Google Earth Engine (intermediate level)
  • Ground validation using the GLOBE Observer app (beginner level)
  • Estimating Evapotranspiration with Landsat using QGIS (intermediate level).

Use this link to register for the February 26 workshop: https://forms.gle/HkRGQ3fn8S81443U6 . The last day for registration for the February 26 workshop will be February 18, 2021.