Tag Archives: geography

Dear Teachers: Part 4 – Identify Local Natural Hazards to Prevent Powerful Disasters

Image 1: What’s going on in this picture? An Image from the lesson plan
Image 2: A screenshot from the NASA Earth Observatory Page
Image 3: The user interface of the FEMA National Risk Index Tool

To download the lesson: https://ckan.americaview.org/data/AmericaView/EOD/2024_eod_disaster.pdf

To view the 2024 EOD poster and other lesson plans: https://ckan.americaview.org/dataset/2024-earth-observation-day-poster

View related posts:
Part 3: https://www.iowaview.org/dear-teachers-part-3-a-lesson-about-forestry/
Part 2: https://www.iowaview.org/dear-teachers-part-2-exploring-the-electromagnetic-spectrum/
Part 1: https://www.iowaview.org/dear-teachers-2025-a-review-of-av-teaching-resources/

Image 4: An example question from the online game used to help recall information from the reading and other learning activities

Iowa Map Contest – Tell Your Stories, Spread the Word

Here’s a great opportunity for Iowa students in grades 4-12. The Iowa Map Contest is an ArcGIS Online Story Map competition for students to tell Iowa stories. Each school can submit up to five entries. Entries are due Monday, May 8, 2023. For more information about the Iowa Map Contest, visit the contest website: https://sites.google.com/site/iowamapcontest/.

Happy Geography Awareness Week 2022!

This week we are celebrating Geography Awareness Week!

The History of Geography Awareness Week:

Thirty-five years ago, the National Geographic Society advocated to create Geography Awareness Week. Geography Awareness Week is a way to celebrate and raise awareness of geography, both as a discipline and as a part of daily life. The National Geographic Society felt the limited exposure to geography in American education was a dangerous deficiency. Without proper exposure to geography, students are unable to make effective decisions, understand geo-spatial and geo-political issues, or even recognize their impacts as global citizens.
— see more at the National Geographic Website

To learn more about the exciting adventures and careers in geography, visit the National Geographic Explorers webpage: https://www.nationalgeographic.org/society/our-explorers/.

A Great Week for Geography and GIS

This is another important week for geography and GIS.

November 11-16, 2019 is Geography Awareness Week. It was started over 25 years ago by National Geographic society as a way to raise awareness about the dangerous dificiency of geography in American education and to excite people about geography as a discipline and as part of everyday life. Learn more about Geography Awareness Week from the National Geographic website.