Tag Archives: Landsat

Dear Teachers – Part 2: Exploring the Electromagnetic Spectrum

#Landsat Throwback Thursday – 50 years of Growth in Dubai

Over the last 50 years, the city of Dubai, in the United Arab Emirates, has transformed from a small fishing and pearl diving village into a luxurious, modern metropolis. The population has grown from just over 100,000 residents in 1972 to an estimated 2.9 million residents in 2022. While the beauty and distinction of this city is undeniable, some question the sustainability of this fast-growing city located in a land of desert and salt water. The images are shown in false color infrared.  Areas appearing red show healthy vegetation. Notice the dramatic change from first image in 1973 (very little vegetation and urbanization) to 2022 with many areas of red far from the water. 

To create these images, individual bands were downloaded from the United States Geological Survey’s Earth Explorer Website (https://earthexplorer.usgs.gov/) in April 2022. The composite false color infrared images were created in ArcGIS Pro using the composite imagery processing tool.

This year we are celebrating 50 years of the Landsat earth observing satellite mission. Landsat data helps us observe changes in our communities and environment over time.

Presenting Iowa’s first Landsat 9 Image!

Yesterday the United State Geological Survey (USGS) released the first 38,000 scenes collected from the recently launch Landsat 9 (September 2021). After much calibration and quality assurance here are some of the first clear images of Iowa. For more images visit USGS Earth Explorer: https://earthexplorer.usgs.gov/.

Ames, Iowa

OhioView presents Remote Sensing on a Shoestring

Are you interested in learning more about remote sensing but have a limited budget? This February, OhioView will be presenting , “Remote sensing on a shoestring,” and will guide you through how to begin using freely available software and data to perform remote sensing analysis.

Topics for each of the workshops (and their skill level) are as follows:

February 5, 2021, 9am – 1pm (EST):

  • Earth Science Missions Imagery using Google Earth Pro (beginner level)
  • Normalized Difference Calculations with Sentinel-2 using Multispec (intermediate level)
  • Land cover classification of Sentinel-2 images using QGIS (beginner level)

Use this link to register for the February 5 workshop: https://forms.gle/Z269biTar4vU23DU7  The last day for registration for the February 5 workshop will be January 28, 2021.

February 26, 2021, 9am – 1pm (EST):

  • Classification Using Google Earth Engine (intermediate level)
  • Ground validation using the GLOBE Observer app (beginner level)
  • Estimating Evapotranspiration with Landsat using QGIS (intermediate level).

Use this link to register for the February 26 workshop: https://forms.gle/HkRGQ3fn8S81443U6 . The last day for registration for the February 26 workshop will be February 18, 2021.