Tag Archives: Outreach

Dear Teachers: Part 4 – Identify Local Natural Hazards to Prevent Powerful Disasters

Image 1: What’s going on in this picture? An Image from the lesson plan
Image 2: A screenshot from the NASA Earth Observatory Page
Image 3: The user interface of the FEMA National Risk Index Tool

To download the lesson: https://ckan.americaview.org/data/AmericaView/EOD/2024_eod_disaster.pdf

To view the 2024 EOD poster and other lesson plans: https://ckan.americaview.org/dataset/2024-earth-observation-day-poster

View related posts:
Part 3: https://www.iowaview.org/dear-teachers-part-3-a-lesson-about-forestry/
Part 2: https://www.iowaview.org/dear-teachers-part-2-exploring-the-electromagnetic-spectrum/
Part 1: https://www.iowaview.org/dear-teachers-2025-a-review-of-av-teaching-resources/

Image 4: An example question from the online game used to help recall information from the reading and other learning activities

A New Iowa as Art Piece – Cautionary Waters

Cautionary Waters: Visons of the Past, Planning for the Future

Fun Suggestions to help keep this Season Mappy

Map of users favorite cookies

Map of Christmas Trees in US

Sample Vacation Options Map

These map suggestions are highlights taken from a larger holiday post from Alexa Valahakis on Esri Team: Stay Mappy and Bright This Holiday Season with K-12 Resources.

Mapping Masterminds Competition Results are in!

Mapping Masterminds logo (a brain with the ISU watertower and clocktower)

This map shows all my biking tracks, including the majority in the US and few Chinese cities. All the circled track maps have the same scale. Each path is counted only once in the distance calculation.
Mapping My Biking Journey with Distance of Distinct Traveled Paths
Software/Materials Used: ArcGIS Pro; Adobe Illustrator

This Story Map displays the locations of Iowa's Freedom Rocks and scenic routes. It is designed to help users navigate the Freedom Rock Tour within the state of Iowa.
Iowa Freedom Rock Tour
Software/Materials Used: ArcGIS Online, ArcGIS StoryMaps

Thank you again to everyone who participated in this year’s competition!

GIS Day Image with colorful background. Text says," GIS Day: INSPIRE THE WORLD WITH GIS."

Thanks for coming out to celebrate GIS Day with us!

On Wednesday, November 20, we had a great GIS Day celebration at The Catalyst in Parks Library. Thank you to library digital scholarship staff for hosting us and providing their expertise.

We had five speakers sharing on different topics:

  • CollectionBuilder for Historical GIS: an update on the ISU Historical Buildings ProjectErin Ridnour, Digital Scholarship Librarian, University Library
  • Tillage Detectives: Determining Residue Cover via SatelliteBryce Pape, Graduate Student and Brian Gelder, DEP and GISF Co-Lead
  • Library Instruction with ArcGIS StoryMapsMichael Cummings and Erin Ridnour, Digital Scholarship Librarians
  • Using Past Slope Failures to Prepare for the Future: A Case Study across the State of North DakotaBeena Ajmera, Assistant Professor, Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering
  • Geospatial Modeling for Regional Trail Planning Austin Dunn, Assistant Professor, Department of Landscape Architecture

Visit the ISU GIS Facility GIS Day website for more details about the speakers: https://www.gis.iastate.edu/gis-day-2024

The Iowa State Daily wrote a nice article about the event which you can read at: https://iowastatedaily.com/305503/news/gis-program-highlighted-with-annual-day-of-celebration/

Now is the time to register for a hands-on, engaging, geospatial workshop for K-12 Teachers

Register Now!

Disaster at Lake Delhi – #Landsat50

Well, it’s Water Wednesday. Today’s Landsat highlight is a time lapse video (2007-2017) showing the effect of a 2010 dam breach on the water level of Lake Delhi located in Delaware County in eastern Iowa. Notice the dramatic decrease in water and the exposure of large sandbars and the refilling of the lake as the dam is restored.

This year we are celebrating 50 years of the Landsat earth observing satellite mission. Landsat data helps us observe changes in our communities and environment over time.

Celebrating 50 years of Landsat Earth Observation!

Saturday, July 23, 2022 marked the 50th anniversary of the launch of the USGS/NASA Landsat earth observing satellite mission. With the launch in 1972, Landsat has continued its earth observation mission and become the longest continuous earth observing satellite.

July 1972 – Landsat 1 Launch: This image is from the NASA website: https://www.nasa.gov/directorates/heo/scan/images/history/July1972.html

Enjoy this video recalling the launch and explaining the beginning of the earth observing satellite mission, Landsat 9 – Part 1: Getting off The Ground: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FlRf17Egexo.

Keep Observing!