Tag Archives: Prevention

Dear Teachers: Part 4 – Identify Local Natural Hazards to Prevent Powerful Disasters

Image 1: What’s going on in this picture? An Image from the lesson plan
Image 2: A screenshot from the NASA Earth Observatory Page
Image 3: The user interface of the FEMA National Risk Index Tool

To download the lesson: https://ckan.americaview.org/data/AmericaView/EOD/2024_eod_disaster.pdf

To view the 2024 EOD poster and other lesson plans: https://ckan.americaview.org/dataset/2024-earth-observation-day-poster

View related posts:
Part 3: https://www.iowaview.org/dear-teachers-part-3-a-lesson-about-forestry/
Part 2: https://www.iowaview.org/dear-teachers-part-2-exploring-the-electromagnetic-spectrum/
Part 1: https://www.iowaview.org/dear-teachers-2025-a-review-of-av-teaching-resources/

Image 4: An example question from the online game used to help recall information from the reading and other learning activities