AmericaView Education Resources Portal – Lesson resources to help teachers explore topics ranging from land cover and changes in landscapes to forestry and watershed issues. The freely available resources are searchable by grade level and resource type, with downloadable instruction materials (including lecture notes, powerpoints, and handouts).
EROS Communication and Outreach Page – The Earth Resources Observation and Science Center has put together a great series of resources for all those schooling at home.
ESRI’s Landsat Explorer – allows users to compare aerial imagery from different time periods and view areas of change over time
Geographic Alliance of Iowa@ University of Northern Iowa – provides teaching resources and lesson plans for those interested in improving geographic instruction in Iowa
iGETT (Integrated Geospatial Education and Technology Training) – resources for teaching and learning remote sensing
NASA @ HOME – Let NASA bring the universe into your home – a great resouce for e-books, online learning, virtual tours, podcasts, and videos

NASA Earth Observatory – Remote Sensing – introduction and history of remote sensing
National Geospatial Technology Center of Exellence – monthly webinars, educational and professional resources for GIS
Water Rocks! – an Iowa based water education website that uses STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts, and Math) to engage youth about our water resources. Videos and curriculum available through the website.