Have you ever thought about how much water it takes to make a pair of jeans? To produce a pound of corn? Or to make a car? What if you had a limited amount of water and had to decide how to “spend” your precious resource? Water: A Global Resource is an ArcGIS StoryMap, developed by Mary Schorse and Tracy DeLiberty (DelawareView), is designed to give you background on what we mean by ‘water resources.’ The lessons are also designed to stimulate your thinking about how we use, protect and monitor this precious, limited natural resource.

Resource Links:
Schorse, M. and T. DeLiberty. 2022. Water: A Global Resource StoryMap (Middle School Lessons) – https://storymaps.arcgis.com/stories/af7e043b7a104858a300c08ed2ead7c7
Schorse, M. and T. DeLiberty. 2022. Water: Today and for the Future StoryMap (Elementary Lessons) – https://storymaps.arcgis.com/stories/5940fb947ae54b06ac7a184ab42b7dbd